Neighbourhood Watch

Four Kabooms and four timer buttons – Hmm !

Full Solution:

See Screenshot for final placement of all items.

Left side of Level:- Stinky to place 2 kegs in water on right of the bowl, collect key on the left, then the key on the false square and wait. Loof to push a keg upto the left of Stinky who then pushes it into the water. Stinky collects 3 keys and 2 bonus coins in the houses and waits above the keg. Loof to go onto false square where Stinky was previously. Qookie to push a keg upto the left of Loof, who pushes it to below Stinky who pushes it down into the water and collects the key.

Repeat the above for the Right side of the level.

Qookie to push left box up 1 (now standing on pink timer button). Stinky to push center box right and down to right of blue gate. Stinky to step on blue button, let just 1 kaboom out, and then quickly push the box left to block the entrance & go up to below the lower lamp-post on the left. When the kaboom goes up, Stinky to stand on the false square, Qookie to push box up to left of Stinky. Stinky to push box left when the kaboom is going back and forth over green timer.

Repeat this process on the right for the yellow timer.

Let the 3rd kaboom out, stop the 4th then quickly go in and get the box out from the compound, cover the entrance and push the box up left and up to trap the kaboom going left and right over the red timer.

Trap the last kaboom with the last box (in/out of compound) on the blue timer.

Collect the 4 keys and bonus coin in the houses to left & right. Take all 4 characters over the pink timer button, collect the last 4 keys and exit to collect the Rainbow Star.