World 6 - Level 10
Tower-Top Prison

There aren't too many tricks to this level, but you have to be quick on your feet. Release Z-Bots by removing the Bonus Coins that block their prisons, then collect the coins inside. Finally, enter the gate (be careful on the electrically charged tiles!). For some bonus points (once the final gate is open), you can use any available box (such as the one in the final room) to guide Z-Bots into the electro tiles.

You may find, however, that releasing all the Z-Bots first and then going for the coins is a bad idea, as Z-Bots are bound to bounce off each other and catch you while inside a prison. Here are some possible strategies to make this less likely:

To reduce the number of Z-Bots, open the two prisons and collect the coins marked in yellow boxes first. Position a box at the yellow "x". Once the Z-Bot bounces off the box and into the prison, push the box along the yellow path to trap the Z-Bot against the far wall. Repeat with the second box and Z-Bot.

Note that the two prisons connected by the green arrow are especially dangerous, as the Z-Bot from one prison will go directly into the other prison, potentially catching you while inside. For that reason you may also want to use one of the boxes to place into the path of the green arrow and avoid that situation.

As you can see, the above strategies do use the two boxes, so you might want to mix and match the order of #1 and #2. Using up the boxes will also make it more difficult for you to collect the bonus points for destroying the Z-Bots on the the electro tiles.

Should you be trapped inside a prison, not all is lost. You can time your steps such that you slide onto the ice and bounce back, just as the Z-Bot enters and exits the prison, missing you by an inch! Since this requires excellent timing, it is not recommended that you rely on this strategy.