Midnight Synergy:
Community Update
This time around we have no big news, no player spotlights, no competitions. Instead, we wanted to simply take a few minutes and chat about what’s going on (and coming up) at Midnight Synergy.
Obviously, Wonderland Adventures Mysteries of Fire Island has been released, to great success. We’re very proud how this one turned out. It’s a very challenging game - no doubt - but it is sure to keep you entertained for weeks if not months.
Reviews for the game keep coming in. Most are very favourable (click to read one such review - you can add your own score at the bottom of the page), while some justifiably point out that it’s not a game for everyone (click to read - you can also add your own user review on this page). We’ve also read all the comments you have sent to us via e-mail and the player community, and will try to keep all of that in mind for any future game releases.
Also, the official game guide is now available, but an even more impressive (and complete) walkthrough was put together by members of the community. Well done, and thank you to all involved.
Speaking of the game community, we had started a discussion topic on suggested changes to the community some months ago. We received lots and lots of comments, and it took us some time to sort and think through them, but we’re ready to implement some of these changes soon. We hope to make the game community even more fun (and even more useful) to you in the future.
Want to join the online community?
It's free, it's fun, it's chock full of game solutions, discussion, free levels, and more.
You can access the player community from the main menu of your Wonderland games, or, if your version doesn't contain this link, simply send us an e-mail and we'll hook you up with a free account.
As for future games, we don’t have many details yet. We are currently letting several game ideas simply percolate. Some designs are Wonderland related (including ideas for both a third Wonderland Adventures, as well as a potential return to the ‘classic’ series), some are not (Shock! Is that even allowed???). Check by the online player community in the next few weeks - we plan to post some more tantalizing details as they become available.
And as always, we like to hear from you. Comments, suggestions, questions, etc. are all welcome - whether it is about our games, the Midnight Post, or other issues related to Midnight Synergy. If you want to drop us a note, please contact us here. We try to answer most if not all letters, and we always take what you say to heart.
We’ll see you online.
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