star 18 "Stinker in Peril"

First collect the gems.
Then move over the logs.

Popo wrote on Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:13 am:
"You can give yourself extra time by hitting the red button just before the spikeball hits the gate
the gate doesn't go down instantly.
I found that when the ball was on the 2nd tile above the gate
then was the time to press the button.......
" and run to the blink charger!

Then you have to blink instantly around the corridor to save the wee stinker.

In the picture below you have rescued the stinker and are back blinking to the crossing.
The stinker seems to run behind you. The spike doesn't catch him at all.

At the crossing turn right to the blue transporters.
And see that the spike falls in the water!

Once you and the stinker are off the blue transporters,
you have to move the stinker to open your gate.
There you have to step on the switch to open the gate so the stinker can move thru.

At the bottom collect the coins.

Put the stinker in the beginning of the tunnel. Walk into him and move to the exit.
In that way the stinker will follow you to the exit! Talk to the stinker with the green cap.
He will move aside to let you pass. So let the stinker walk into the exit to receive the star!

Solutions by Erwin042

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