Demo World 1 - Level 5
Introducing Loof

You finally get to meet Loof, the other half of this dynamic duo! You can move both
Stinky and Loof, and can switch control between them anytime simply by pressing the Enter
key. Stinky and Loof often have to collaborate to solve puzzles or collect particularly
hard-to-reach Bonus Coins. Note that both Stinky and Loof have to make it safely to the
exit to complete the level.
Begin with Loof and activate button "1". Switch to Stinky and activate button "2". Switch
back to Loof and activate button "3". Finally, have Stinky activate button "4". Now Stinky
can collect all Rainbow and Bonus (use yellow path) Coins and exit the level. Once Stinky
exits, control will automatically switch back to Loof, who can now also safely exit the level.
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