World 6 - Level 3
Separation Anxiety

Begin with Stinky. The trick is to move around the central pillar without changing the position of the boxes. To do so, follow the light blue path... this will show you how to complete one circuit and also push one box into the water. Repeat, this time pushing the second last box into the water. Repeat with the third last box. At some point you need to use the box in the blue circle to complete the path toward the gate, as you cannot use that box to get the Rainbow Coin in the corner.

Switch to Loof. Push the boxes 1 through 6 along the indicated path (with the exception of 4 and 5 all are only pushed one step!). After moving box 6 you can drop box 5 into the water, then box 6. After that you should have enough room to drop boxes into the water one by one - just be sure that you never push a box into a corner as you need each and every one of them.