World 7 - Level 8 That Darn Scouge!
Move the boxes into the positions indicated. All four water holes are filled, a fifth box
is moved into the water to the right, and a sixth box is moved to block the northern-most
When all is setup, push the box along the yellow path to let the Z-Bot out.
Immediately follow and push the box along the green path to lock both Z-Bots into the
southern room. You also have two boxes in their original positions (red circle).
Next, move on of those boxes along the yellow path, the other on top of the box in the water
to the right (yellow circle). Once again, when you're ready push the box along the green
path to release the two Z-Bots. If the boxes are in the correct positions, the Z-Bots
will bounce off the boxes and travel along the blue path (one Z-Bot is a "leftie", one a "rightie").
The yellow and green button will be activated, and the Scouges will destroy the two Z-Bots
for some extra bonus points.
Complete the bridge to get into the final room. Collect the three remaining coins using the two timer buttons.
To get the last two Bonus coins, one of Stinky or Loof needs to stand ready and push
the boxes along the red path, giving the other an extra few seconds to collect the
Bonus coin, as Scouge will have to shoot its way through the box first.
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