This is a guide to the characters and objects in Return to Wonderland Platinum and Wonderland Secret Worlds. Happy Wonderlanding ;-)
Stinky is the leader of the gang. When Stinky is not on an adventure, Stinky will probably be hanging out with Loof. |
Loof is Stinky's best friend. Loof is kind of short and is often lost behind tall obstacles. |
Qookie likes the quiet life. When Qookie is not roaming around Wonderland with the rest of the gang, Qookie can probably be found in the cottage near The Foggy Mountains. |
Peegue is the mayor of Wondertown. Peegue is rather big-headed, but despite of the impressive looking hat, Peegue is actually quite nice. |
Scouges (a.k.a. Cannons) don't move around at all. Watch out for the fireballs though. They will kill any of the Wonderland characters, except Ghosts. |
Push Cannons (only in RTWP). Can be pushed. Do not float, but if two are stacked on top of each other, they will make a bridge. Can withstand water and flames. Cannot withstand lava. Will not shoot while being pushed. |
Coilys are full of bouncy energy. Mostly they are just an annoyance, but can sometimes be useful pressing buttons for you. |
Kabooms! have a very short fuse. A Kaboom! will explode if it gets confined to very little space or if someone gets too close. |
Z-bots are very fast. They move in straight lines until they hit an obstacle. All Z-bots have a preference which way to go. If they can't move in their preferred direction, they go the opposite way. Water and lava are lethal to Z-bots.
Ghosts move in a rather unpredictable way. They can move through solid objects and fireballs don't affect them. The only things that can hold back a ghost are water, lava and plasma boxes.
Red Chompers will follow you wherever you go. Red Chompers will follow Stinky if he's around and ignore everyone else. If Stinky is not around, the red Chompers will follow someone else.
Yellow chompers will follow you wherever you go. Yellow Chompers will follow Loof if he's around and ignore everyone else. If Loof is not around, the yellow Chompers will follow someone else.
UFOs move similar to Z-bots, but not as fast. They will fire at you, if you stand in the same horizontal or vertical line as the UFO. UFOs can fly over both water and lava without problems.
Rainbow Spirits are as fast as the Z-bots. They move in a straight line, but when they hit an obstacle, they move in a random direction. Rainbow Spirits can collect Rainbow coins (RTWP) and Keys (WSW) for you.
Broken Z-bots are like normal Z-bots, except the fact that they have lost control over their movements. Highly unpredictable. |
UFO Motherships are very protective of their children and want them to be present at all times. If a UFO Mothership discovers that none of her children are present, she will rise and launch four new UFOs. |
Blue Shadow Stinkers (only in RTWP) will do anything you do, but with every movement reversed. Blue Shadow Stinkers can pick up items for you and activate buttons.
Red Shadow Stinkers (only in RTWP) is almost exactly like the Blue Shadow Stinkers. Only difference is the fireballs they shoot at Stinky and the gang whenever they are in the same vertical or horizontal line. |
Wooden box. Can be pushed. Floats in water and can be used to build bridges. Cannot withstand lava, flames and fireballs. |
Metal box. Can be pushed. Do not float, but if two are stacked on top of each other, they will make a bridge. Blocks fireballs. Can withstand water, lava and flames. |
Plasma box. Can be pushed. Blocks fireballs and Ghosts. Can withstand flames. Cannot withstand water and lava. |
Powder keg. Floats in water. Highly explosive. Stinky, Loof, Qookie and Peegue are light footed enough to push them around, but if anyone else goes near them, they'll explode and take the neighboring squares with them. Cannot withstand fireballs, lava and flames.
Reflectors. Can be pushed. Do not float, but if two are stacked on top of each other, they will make a bridge. Reflects fireballs. Can withstand water and flames. Cannot withstand lava. |
Prism. Can be pushed. Do not float, but if two are stacked on top of each other, they will make a bridge. Splits fireballs and shatters. Can withstand water. Cannot withstand lava and flames.
Sticky Cubes (only in RTWP). Can be pushed. Do not float, but if two are stacked on top of each other, they will make a bridge. Blocks fireballs. Can withstand water and flames. Cannot withstand lava. When two are pushed next to each other they merge into a solid wall. When solidified Sticky Cubes blocks Ghosts. |
Linked Spheres (only in RTWP). Behaves in most aspects like boulders, but if you push one Link Sphere of a certain color all the Linked Spheres of that color will start moving in the same direction. |
Generator. There are 13 different types of generators corresponding to the 13 different objects above. A generator is operated by sinking or destroying every object of the same type as the generator. |
Warp Gate (only in RTWP). Like a generator, but with enemies instead of objects. |
Flames. Lethal to everyone who walks into them (except UFO Motherships and Ghosts). Flames are extinguished when someone or something comes into contact with them. |
Rainbow coin (RTWP). The object of the game is to collect all the rainbow coins of the level and make it to the exit with all available user controlled characters. |
Key (WSW). The object of the game is to collect all the keys of the level and make it to the star with all available user controlled characters. |
Bonus coin. It's not necessary to collect the bonus coins to complete a level, but they add extra challenge, since they are often placed in hard to reach places. |
Extra time. When collected 30 seconds is added to the time limit of the level. |
Exit and exit gate (RTWP). When all rainbow coins are collected the exit gate will open and clear the access to the exit. |
Gold star (WSW). When all keys are collected the exit gate will open and clear the access to the gold star. Gold stars are located in most of the WSW levels.
Rainbow star (WSW). When all keys are collected the exit gate will open and clear the access to the rainbow star. Rainbow stars are located in the secret WSW levels. |
Square button. Once pushed it will stay activated. |
Round button. Needs something to stand on it to stay activated. |
Timer button. When pushed it will stay activated for a short time only. |
Teleporter. There are 8 different colors of Teleporters. The Teleporters with matching colors are linked. If you enter one going right you will exit the other going right etc. If something is blocking the exit direction, you will exit in another direction. |
Transporter (in RTWP only). Stinky and gang can use these floating platforms to cross empty space, water or lava. Turning is only possible when the Transporter is at a standstill. Once in movement it will keep moving until reaching an obstacle. |
Trampoline (in RTWP only). Makes characters and objects bounce over one square. If more trampolines are placed in succession the length (and height) will increase by one square for each bounce. Objects will continue bouncing in the original direction, but after the first bounce Stinky and gang can change direction in mid air. |